Monday, July 04, 2005

Days Thirty-seven and Thirty-eight - Less Than a Week to Go

It's hard to believe that the triathlon is less than a week away, next Sunday.

I was out at the lake early yesterday for a 2K swim. The water's getting warmer every day. After the swim, I came home and woke Cass (who'd been up till 5 alternately chatting with her friends on MSN and having phone conversations with them) and we had a big breakfast and headed back to the lake with the air mattresses.

During the time we were there I counted three people in the water with wet suits and caps who looked like they were swimming for more that just the sheer thrill of not sinking in the water. There were a few runners as well, dressed out in tri-clothing, and I'm seeing more and more people doing the bike route with racing bikes.

This morning I did a 2K swim, 10K bike ride and 10K run. Halfway through my stretching, a giant horse fly started buzzing all around me. The damn thing wouldn't go away, so I did. There's been a gaggle of crows squaking noisily all day at the lake for the last week. I wish they'd squak less and spend more time eating the horse flies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I get in better shape just reading about all the things you are doing :)

GO Biff!!


1:06 p.m.  

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