Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Day Twenty-six - Busy Busy

Busy busy at work and at home. I managed to get in a 10 K run at the lake and some stretching afterwards, but time was scarce today.

I've been getting a marketing book for writers ready for publication at The free version has had over 10,000 downloads from my web site. I firgured that was a good enough test to see if it might be in demand and now I'm putting together an enhanced version for sale. I thought it would be easy, but now that I'm going to be charging for it, I want it to be perfect and complete.

Perfect and complete = no sleep. Not a chance.

But it's almost finished. I'll still get in my hundred laps at the pool tomorrow, but after work I'll be in a canoe on the Eel River with John Heinstein, author of The Cheap Red Wine Manifesto looking for the kayak he lost a few weeks ago. John will be in the diathlon the same day I'm in the triathlon. He's not a swimmer.

Just got an email from Susan DiPlacido, author of 24/7 and Trattoria. I did a review of 24/7 and submitted it to Bookslut. If you like gambling, sex, and a great story, you'll love 24/7. It's one of those books that carries you from one perfected crafted sentence to the next. And it's got lots of really cool sex with a few twists that I never thought of before. Even if you don't like sex, it's a great story and well worth reading.

Gotta go now and hydrate on some Gatorbud.



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