Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Day Nineteen - Run, Run, Run

Today was one of those days that makes life seem worthwhile. I received good news in on the writing career front and good news on the pay-the-bills-job front. I'm going to have one of my self-published books distributed through and I made some potentially profitable connections for the company that pays my bills, Engage Interactive.

To top it off, I went for a 10 K run after work and breezed through it. I could have run a few more laps, but now's not the time to overdo it. Right after the run, I went home and did an upper body workout.

My old friend Nanook of the Nashwaak dropped by and mentioned that I look like I'm getting in shape. I looked in the mirror after he left. Maybe there's a defect in my eyes that adds volume to my stomach. My own opinion is that I have much work to do.

But it's getting easier every day now.

I also got a belated birthday greeting from my old friend Beth Ashton. She's one of the lead character's in the novel for which I'm researching triathons. She was in the first book, The War Bug, but she was one of the characters who was dropped after I worked on the novel for a year and a half and decided to drop the whole thing and start all over again. The fortunate part of that painful experience was that I could salvage much of the deleted material for use in the sequel. Including Beth.

BTW, the research on the novel is coming along great. The training seems to be spurring my creativity to the extent that I may have a big part of the novel plotted and some of the key chapters written before I even do the initial outlining.

Which re-affirms for me that using a triathon with it's severe testing of mind, body and spirit is the perfect platform for exploring what makes humans human in the sequel to The War Bug.

Or something like that.


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