Sunday, June 12, 2005

Day Sixteen - Recorded the Run

Slept in till 8 today because I knew I was just going for a run and there's no traffic at the lake. And wasn't.

I took along my digital recorder and recorded the third lap, talking about the trail, the scenery and anything else that came into my mind. I did this with the intention of cutting up the file and posting it on the triathlon page on my web site. Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to use my audio program to cut the file up into smaller files. It's 22 megs. A bit much for quick downloading.

I'll figure it out somehow.

I only did five laps today. Pain began shooting through my left shin about halfway into my fifth lap and it didn't go away. I was tempted to say to hell with it and go the whole six laps, but commonsense prevailed. I don't want to injure myself before July 10. I had visions of my days in Karate training and going gung ho before the gradings. We all did. And that was when we had the most number of injuries, some bad enough that we missed the gradings.

One of the things I've learned over the years is to listen to my body. It knows when it's had enough and it knows when it feels like being pushed further. On the day of the triathlon, I might just push it even further than that...but not during training.

So I went home and worked out on my Gym 1000 and did about a million different stretches from my Bob Anderson book on stretching.

Just as I was about to leave for a bike ride an hour ago, my daughter called and told me the weather channel was calling for some hurricane weather. I figured a bike wasn't a good place to be in a hurricane so I made plans for indoor activities. A million more stretches. There's a lot of thunder and lightning ripping across the sky outside at the moment, but I wouldn't call the winds anything near to a hurricane. Maybe it's one of those slow starters.


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