Thursday, June 02, 2005

Day Six - My Body Hates Me

No biking or running today. Thank God. My inside thighs, right up to the crotch, feel like somebody was using the muscles as an entry ramp for large vehicles with tracks and heavy loads. I think this may have something to do with my bicycle seat being too wide. I'll chech this out at Savages Bikes. They're the ones lending me a new bike for the triathlon. But more on that later.

Up at 6:30 this morning and into the water at 7:15 for 90 laps. That's 30 more than the swim on July 10, but I've been doing 100 to 120 all winter and I don't see any reason to cut back too much now, except of course, the fact that my body is beginning to hate me. It says things like, "Biff, we're your legs. We hate you. Feel the pain, Biff? Take the pain. Here's a little more. Now, wouldn't you rather spend your evenings drinking beer and working on your web site, or doing some marketing for The War Bug, or working on your next novel? Maybe even just watching a good movie? We'll get you if you keep this up, Biff. We'll get you good."

So, at the end of the swim, I did six really really fast laps. Just to piss my legs off.

But I went easy on them this evening. I did an upper body workout on my Gym 1000 and a lot of stretching. And I didn't die once.

Now, I have to see what I can do about that bicycle seat. I'll do that tomorrow. That's my rest day. No workouts. No swimming, biking or running. Maybe some stretching, but mostly just relaxing.

Hear that legs? Mostly just relaxing.

"Thanks, Biff. Feel this?



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