Monday, November 01, 2004

Random Thoughts 1

I love Kenny G’s music. It allows me to think without being interrupted by anything I have to think about.

One night, in a land and place far away and long ago, when I was a bartender (and a good one to boot, I might add), a priest who had been watching me work my bar for most of a semi-busy-semi-lazy Thursday night approached me at the end of the evening and said: “I think you listened to more confessions in one night than I listened to in the last month.” Might want to increase the amount of wine in certain ceremonies? Just a suggestion.

One thing you can say about Europeans, they know how to make war…and chocolate. Watch out when they stop making chocolate.

We spend too much time trying to define ourselves and not enough time just being ourselves.

In the not-to-distant future, God says to a man named Noah: “I want you to build a canoe.” Noah says: “Shouldn’t it be an ark?” God says: “There’s not that many worth saving.”

Told you they were random thoughts.


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