Reading for the Maritime Writers’ Workshop and Literary Festival
Following in the monumental disaster of my last reading for the Maritime Writers’ Workshop and Literary Festival, I’m going to set the stage for an even greater disaster … two readings in one day! That’s right. From 10:00 AM June 3 (that’s late Saturday morning for the early-to-rise-impaired) till noon, I’ll be reading from my books on the patch of grass directly across from the Boyce Farmer’s Market on Brunswick Street. These will be stories for young and old … or at least … nothing offensive to young ears. Newborns, however, may express confusion with comments like “Dah?” meaning “What the hell is he talking about?”
At 1:30 PM (that’s right around the time the early-to-rise-impaired should be risen and out doing things), I’ll be reading by the fountain on The Green. This story is not for young ears and may not even be appropriate for those with mistaken Victorian sensibilities. I’ll be reading a story called Ladies of the Fountain. It’s about a man who throws pennies into the fountain and wishes for the three ladies to come to life and be his companions … among other things. Language and adult content abound.
I’ll be giving away Festival posters at both readings.
As for the Fountain story, it’s set in Fredericton and starts at the fountain on The Green. And it’s a true story taken from my days in the 60s when everything I deemed to be true was true. Here’s the pictorial tour of Ladies of the Fountain.
This is the fountain where it all starts with the world's biggest loser making a wish that plunges his life into mayhem.
Here's what the CNR bridge looks like from where the loser stands while his wish comes chillingly true just a few yards behind him.
This is the hotel in the story. Strange things happen here, things that should never escape into the reality of the printed word.
This is the German bakery where the ladies fill up on pastries and everything else they can gobble up after centuries without food.
This is the craft show where the ladies inspire a whole new generation of artisans.
This is the area where the ladies talk about inspiring some of the greatest minds in the arts and sciences.
Something strange and supernatural happens in front of City Hall. Mayor Brad Woodside would likely make his longest speech ever to save the city from panic ... about 39 seconds. (Bless you, Brad.)
Piper’s Lane becomes the scene of a new renaissance in art … and the biggest, baddest party of all time. This is where the story climaxes in more ways than one.